Beaded jacket & bag

Colin Cole made this silk and satin jacket for his sister Carolyn for a trip to London. He made the small clutch bag from scraps. "We were staying in central London and wanted to look as great as I thought others would look. I wore a black silk straight skirt with Pancaldi heels." Carolyn recalls they had fun in making this jacket. "Colin's assistant John Kite did the fittings, and we kept having problems with a travelling shoulder pad. When I unpacked it in London before going out to dinner, it felt really strange and I found John had pinned an extra shoulder pad inside the sleeve! He was such a wag." Carolyn wore this jacket with "pride" when she went to dine at Mirabelle's Restaurant. "The walls were lined with signed photos of dozens of famous people who had dined there. The dining area was spacious - that is I had never seen so much space between tables - allowing privacy, and there seemed to be a waiter per table. We had an exquisite meal and I still remember the dessert that had a spun sugar cage over it."


Credit: Garment loan courtesy of Carolyn McCondach
Copyright: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Licence
Designer: Colin Cole
Manufacturing location: Auckland
Garment type: Jacket, skirt, bag
Material: Embroidered silk over satin silk
Label: Colin Cole
Date: Circa 1986