With summer just around the corner the Fashion Museum and the Maritime Museum are inviting you to enter their “New Zealand at the Beach” competition. This is an opportunity to have a small collection of photographs of your family and friends curated into the current At the Beach exhibition, which celebrates over 100 years of changing beach fashions and our love affair with the beach.
We would like you to sift through your family and personal photo albums looking for the pictures that tell your best stories and memories of time spent at the beach. Select your favourites and submit these with a short descriptive narrative. Photographs can be a mix of historic and current day in digital or printed format. The best submissions will go on display as part of the At the Beach exhibition. An eventual winner will be selected and will receive a copy of the At the Beach book, a beach going goody bag and a free sailing trip for their family or friends on the Ted Ashby collectively valued at $150.
The idea for the competition has come from the enthusiastic and nostalgic reaction At the Beach has been receiving with many visitors sharing their own memories of beach going and remembering wearing swimsuits identical to some of the 120 examples on display. New Zealand Fashion Museum Director Doris de Pont says “What we have found is that most people have a strong memory of a first or favourite swimsuit and this exhibition evokes a strong sense of summers past and beach holiday adventures. This competition is a chance for us to highlight and include more of those personal stories”
The New Zealand at the Beach competition is open for submissions from now until 15 January 2016, with entrants being included in the exhibition as received and a winner drawn on 20 January 2016.
To submit your photographs and story email collections@maritimemuseum.co.nz or post to New Zealand Maritime Museum, Attn: At the Beach Competition, PO Box 3141, Auckland 1140.
And for people who have kept their favourite bathing costumes from yesteryear, or perhaps have other beach-related objects in good condition that they would like to donate – good news. The New Zealand Maritime Museum collects such items, along with photographs and memorabilia, and might be able to offer them a good home. The first step is to contact the collections team on collections@maritimemuseum.co.nz.