Linen boubou with patches

Andrew McLeod's 'Costume to promote the marriage of audacity to simplicity' is a garment he made for a show of West African robes in 2013. His label text read: "It's hard not to be seen as audacious if you don’t follow fashion. Even from a distance this Grand Boubou engages the eye with its simple but bold form, the contrast of its colours, and the random scatter pattern of patches. Up close it reveals itself in a different way with the eye drawn into the detail of the finely drawn lines of the illustration that reference signs and symbols of music’s subcultures. Attention to the simple yet sophisticated cut of the garment makes the viewer aware of how cleverly it is pieced together from strips of woven linen cloth echoing the earliest forms of garment construction."


Photographer: Fraser Chatham
Copyright: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Licence
Designer: Andrew McLeod
Manufacturing location: Auckland
Garment type: Robe
Material: Linen, screen-printed cotton
Date: 2013