Jimmy D Printed hoodie and two skirts, 2010

The contrast that James Dobson says is at
 the core of his label, Jimmy D, is not evident
 in his choice of colour, rather it can be found
in combinations of different fabrics and the subversion of conventional use. A long-sleeve tee is attached to a sweatshirt to form a hood and a skirt is ripped in half and attached with a silk harness. James' entry into the fashion world was inspired by the success at London Fashion Week of the New Zealand Four and he has become one of the second-generation designers most closely associated with the colour black, rarely incorporating any other colour in his collections. Read more about wearing the colour black in the New Zealand Fashion Museum publication Black: The history of black in fashion, society and culture in New Zealand.


Credit: Garment loan courtesy of James Dobson.
Copyright: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Licence
Photographer: Aaron K
Copyright: All Rights Reserved, Image © Aaron K
Designer: James Dobson with original print by Andrew McLeod
Material: Cotton, silk, pleated polyester, screenprint
Colour: Black
Exhibition: Black in Fashion
Label: Jimmy D
Date: 2010