Designer Swanndri coat

This coat was designed as part of a third-year polytechnic degree brief set by Wools of New Zealand Future Design Awards and Wellington Polytechnic (in conjunction with Alliance Textiles) in 1998. The aim of the project was to design a conceptual, creative garment that would be the future 'Swanndri'.

The design inspiration came from past Kiwi icons - in this case the Swanndri coat. The traditional Swanndri is a checked woollen coat or jacket worn by many New Zealanders, particularly rural and manual workers, since 1913.


Credit: Text and image from Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, GH009485.
Copyright: Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, Some rights reserved, Creative Commons BY-NC-ND.
Designer: Susan Casey
Manufacturing location: Wellington
Garment type: Coat
Material: Wool
Colour: Red, black
Date: 1998